Our chemistry teacher has been working on
PBWiki and posting on
WebCT. Here is one of our dialogues...
Date: Thursday, February 21, 2008 8:24pm
I saw your links, they look good. I also went through the DNA Gel lab. It was cool. How
do you plan on backing it with EdPsych? I'm interested to see what your thought process
is here. Thanks.
Date: Monday, February 25, 2008 7:24pm
I am working on the ed. psych. stuff now. I just wanted to find some good labs and put
them up first. Now I am researching, and I am findind a lot of material that backs the
virtual labs. I found a few things in the woolfolk text, but more on the internet. How is
yours coming along. Have you found much info. to support our virtual lab ideas and the
whole right brain thinking topic?
Date: Monday, February 25, 2008 9:45pm
I have stopped working. I have become frustrated. I still don't know if we have defined
what right-brained means for us as a group, some people have suggested "visual
learner," so I am still confused. I have read tons of information and have posted a lot of
stuff to the wiki, but I am sort of stalled because I don't know how we are defining our
supporting information. I work opposite of you. I have to know the "language" that we
are going to use before I find content that will fit that definition. If that makes sense...
Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 5:58pm
The technology of our project is "virtual labs". We have to find information that backs up
our proposition that virtual labs will help students learn better, faster, etc...!
We know it
will help them because it will keep them interested (due to using technology, computers)
and it will help them learn it quicker because it is hands on (discovery learning) and they
get to play with it and see pictures (which is how a right-brained thinker learns). Does
that make sense? We just have to get all our info together and put in an organized
manner onto our wiki. She said she doesn't want a term paper; so we don't have
to "write" a lot of stuff we just have to find an operating virtual lab and back it up with ed.
psych. There is a lot of ed. psych out there backing technology in the classroom and how
pitures help students remember info. better than words alone. Look at page 271 in our
text. It talks about mnematics (I don't have my book with me and I don't know if I
spelled that right or not, but I do remember the page number for some reason).
Anyway, it talks about how students learn better from a few words and pictures. Tell me
what you are thinking.
Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 6:23pm
I am fine with visual learning if that's what definition everyone wants for "right-brained,"
but it means alot more than that...if we choose "visual learner," we should just throw out
any mention of Pink's text...I just need to know the definition before I can know that
my "virtual lab" meets the standards of that definition. I don't want to waste any more
My frustration is showing, and I hope I don't make anyone mad, but people assume too much about the change that computers can make to their classroom. Used innapropriately they are just like a textbook with moving pictures.
Until next time...