Sunday, February 17, 2008

Disequalibrium and Disinterest

The only activity from our group has been a discussion post from one of the science teachers. I am not sure who is who at this point. She has voted "yes" to the "Virtual Labs for Visual Learner" idea. She has virtual labs that were provided with her teaching textbook and is eager to use them. This is commendable, I guess. Everyone is jumping to curriculum--"What kind of technology can I use to teach this and that?"--rather than looking at the psychological implications of the choices, "Why would I want to use it?"

Anyway, in the meantime, I was reading the Woolfolk Text and other articles on Constructivism trying to gain some insight into "structure" in regards to self-directed, group, project centered kinds of approaches to learning. From this current experience I am having with the EdPsych project, I would not in a million years give high-school students a topic, reference materials, and grading rubrics, ect. and set them on their way to produce an inventive project. Like most of my group members, they would want to work to the rubric, the grade...leaving out the "creative" and fun parts of the discovery process. Or, they would wait until the last minute, thus not giving themselves time for "immersion" in the topic. Or, they would do something not at all inventive or out of the box because they haven't done their research and really believe that they are being inventive. (What I want to know is what box are we suppose to be thinking out of? I question who is in which box? Aren't we all indifferent boxes, and "coming out" for one person doesn't mean any change at all for another?)

I think the group is not achieving its potential for two reasons: 1.) Most adults, even at graduate level education, are inexperienced in or unable to function at the area of "Formal Operations." The abilities to think hypothetically, consider alternatives, find all possible combinations, and analyze one's own thinking are difficult for many adults, not to mention teenagers. Most students would have little intent or ability to take information from two sources and integrate them into a "new" understanding, invention, or process. 2.) Placed in a social situation, Piaget reasoned that people were thrown into cognitive conflict, and that this "disequilibrium" initiated steps toward resolution that would produce change. Most people are resistant to change, especially adults, and many do not do any form of personal evaluation of their thinking or motivations. This is particularly devastating to many learning styles promoted by Constructivism.

To look at the abilities that Pink talks about in his book, then take into consideration the two assertions above, sets off alarms. His "six senses" seem to go beyond the cognitive abilities considered "Formal Operations." How can learners, because of resistance or inability, develop these senses when they require skills that are more foreign than the logic and analysis focused on by Piaget? Where does the ability to think creatively and analytically in unison to solve complex problems or develop real world solutions to problems come into Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development? How can people become reflective and empathic if asked throughout most of their lives not to be?

Until next time...

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