I still feel like I have again separated myself from the group, and I am just really confused at how to navigate the people and personalities of the group. I am struggling with how to get along in this situation. I know that I have very high expectations of myself and others, and that frustrates people. I know that I am hyper-sensitive to other people's emotional and mental states...I tend to absorb people's energy like a sponge and react on a personal level to it all.
I am going to have to practice stepping back, not always being the one to ask questions. I just single myself out by doing that. A physicist friend once told me that he never asked questions in High School. He said it was not that he didn't want to discuss, explore, inquire; but, he was told by his classmates to be quiet and don't make things "more complicated" than they have to be. I feel like this. I have to learn to just keep my inspiration to myself and only share it with those who can dialogue about it without feeling threatened. Tomorrow, I must forward. I am going to start writing my Educational Philosophy and stay off of WebCT for awhile. I need a psychological break.
Until next time...
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